Wednesday, March 30, 2011

May Craft

Hello all! I am beginning to prepare for our craft in May! (You can all cheer now) I have several options that I have been considering. I need some feedback, so please leave the feedback in the comments on this post.

Option 1:
This will likely be a little more expensive but I'm not totally sure. Just saying that right off the top. Basically, what it is is two sheets of metal with bevelled edges that end up being wall hangings. You decorate letters that spell our the word "Family" and hang them on your wall between the two sheets of metal. Then we would make some of those marble magnets and you use the magnets to hang up pictures of your family and friends on the metal sheets.

Click here to see an example of the marble magnets that I'm talking about.

Option 2:
We could order a patriotic kits from this lady who sells the CUTEST kits. Click here to check out some of the patriotic kits she has sold in the past:

What do you all think?


  1. You will LOVE the patriotic kits! But be warned, the round firecrackers are a little bit harder because of their shape. I did all of those kits last year and loved them all. Sounds like you're in for a fun craft night.

  2. I'm down with the patriotic kits. I don't have any patriotic decorations.

  3. I'd go for the metal, but just because I have similar patriotic decorations already. Of course, I also have a whole roll of sheet metal I haven't done anything with yet!

  4. Personally, I'd rather do the metal. We even have the set up to work some of it up so it may be cheaper if that helps? Besides, in truth I'd rather run with your idea anyway...if that makes sense?

  5. Love the Patriotic stuff. My vote is for that one. But I wont be heart broken if we do the metal one. I'm way excited!
